Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Inconsistent Blogger

What an auspicious start to my blog... 4 posts in, and then almost a month off?! I may not have been writing about it, but I have been cooking! I'm comforting myself by remembering that this is all just foreplay; the rigorous blogging will come later when I go whole hog.

Speaking of which, I think I'll do that soon. I've made some progress on the lunch front and some useful observations about my own habits:
  • I'm a lazy cook. If I don't plan in advance, I'll eat a box of crackers for dinner instead of using my brain while I'm hungry.
  • Cooking isn't as hard as I think it is! I followed a curry recipe the other day entirely using stuff that was already made and in the fridge. I shouldn't build it up so much.
  • I sure do go to the bagel store a lot.

I'm off from work during July AND August (hooray!), so that seems like an ideal time to go for it while I'm not down the street from my beloved bagel store every day. I'll have plenty of time to compile menus for the week and shop in a leisurely fashion, and maybe if I'm lucky, I'll have some awesome habits in place when I start back to real life in September!

Below are some of my test runs from the last few weeks. Some are not pictured because they were disasters. Others are not pictured because they were so insanely easy that I forgot to take a photo. Some items from the latter category include:

Coconut Quinoa and Sweet Potato Curry
The only cooking I had to do here was dump everything in a pan and heat it up. We already had quinoa with sweet potatoes and chickpeas waiting in the fridge!

Sloppy Joes
I didn't even use a recipe here. Browned some soy crumbles in oil and dumped on some barbeque sauce. Shockingly satisfying and an excellent lunchtime sandwich option.

Palak Dahl
I love dahl(/dal/daal??). I love aloo palak. I love combining them and losing the nutritionally empty potatoes even more! (You have to replace the butter with margarine or oil, of course.)

Pigs in Blankets
Again, stupidly easy. I didn't even feel like making the dough, so I just got some prepackaged crescent rolls after double checking they were vegan. Another good lunch option. (My lunch options may not be the healthiest vegan options ever, but they have to be better than my standard buffalo chicken wrap... right?)

The ones I do have photos for are mostly sweets... I guess that kinda shows where my real interest is, huh?

(They're made from chickpeas! Chickpeas!)

Pad Thai
(Insanely easy and soooo good!)

Rainy Day Mug Cake
(Just what I need. Chocolate cake that takes 5 minutes to make.)